Power Point Daniel’s Courageous Prayer Life

Daniel Series: Courageous Living in an upside down world

Part 4 Daniel’s Courageous Prayer Life

Daniel 6:1-28


  1. Daniel was a man of prayer.
  2. Daniel had a devoted prayer life. (vs. 4, 10)

Colossians 4:2


Luke 18:1

1 Thessalonians 5:17


  1. Daniel had a consistent prayer life. (vs. 10, 16, 20)

Psalm 5:3

Psalm 55:17


  1. Daniel was faithful in his prayer life. (Vs. 4)

Hebrews 11:6


  1. Daniel had a thankful spirit in his prayer life. (vs. 10).


  1. Daniel was a man who interceded for others. (vs. 11)


  1. Daniel was a man of worship.


  1. Daniel was a man of dependency.


  • To be able to live courageous in an upside world we must be people of prayer, we must be interceders for others, we must be worshippers of Almighty God and we must have a dependency on God for everything.