Every Believer A Witness Week 7 – March 13, 2016 Morning Worship
Every Believer A Witness
“The Living Dead” Power Point Hebrews 11:5-6 Genesis 5:21-24 The living dead teaches us: THAT FAITH BELIEVES GOD IS We cannot know Him by sight. We cannot know Him by feelings. We cannot know Him by reason. We cannot know Him by science. THAT FAITH BELIEVES GOD REWARDS He will forgive our […]
“The Heroic Dead” Power Point Hebrews 11:7 – Genesis 6:5- 6:22, 7:1 Three distinctives of Noah’s faith: He was declared righteous by God. 2. He was considered blameless by the people. 3. He was found walking with God. Noah’s heroic faith was marked by: THE WARNING HE HEARD. Concerning God’s judgment. b. Concerning the building […]
“The Super Dead” Hebrews 11:8-10 THAT GOD DOES CALL HIS PEOPLE 1. This call is specific in person. 2. This call is specific in purpose. 3. This call is specific in place. THAT GOD DOES KNOW WHAT LIES AHEAD This means: 1. He speaks with divine authority. 2. He directs with divine initiative. 3. He corrects with divine discipline. 4. He connects […]