Christmas Series: God The First Missionary

Week #5 The Temple Experience (Luke 2:21-35)

Luke 2:21-35

December 15, 2019

Power Point


  1. The unusual naming of Jesus. (2:21)


  1. Jesus fulfills the law. (2:21)


In our passage today we see 3 legal ceremonies of the Jews:


A – First, is the ceremony of circumcision.


B – Second, there was the ceremony of purification. (2:22-24)


C – Thirdly, there was the ceremony of dedication to the Lord. (2:22-23)


  1. The Offering of the Poor. (2:24)
  2. Simeon, a man who walked close to God. (2:25-27)


Five things are said about him personally:


A – Simeon was just and devout. (v.25a)


B – Simeon looked for the Messiah. (v.25b)


C – Simeon was led by the Holy Spirit. (v.25c)


D – Simeon was given an unusual promise. (v.26)


E – Simeon saw and held the Messiah. (v.27)