Deepening A Shallow Heart

Mark 4:5-6, 16-18


1. The work of the Shallow Heart

A. The shallow heart often experiences emotion upon being challenged by God’s Word.


B. The shallow heart may act promptly on God’s Word.


C. The shallow heart sees early results.


D. Tough times reveal the real substance of the shallow heart.


E. The shallow heart is not a productive heart.

2. The foundation of the Shallow Heart


A. A shallow heart does not fully understand what is of eternal importance.


B. A shallow heart believes things should be easy.


C. A shallow heart lacks perseverance.

  • Perseverance means persistence or determination.


3. The cure for a Shallow Heart

A. Look for what God wants to cultivate in your life.

  • The word cultivate means to prepare, care for, raise and use for growing.


B. Decide what is really important and commit to doing it.

Matthew 6:33


C. Understand the consequences of not persevering through challenges.


D. Know that you will encounter difficultchallenges.

John 16:33


E. Prayerfully commit yourself to becoming a person who perseveres.

James 1:2-5


F. Set up accountability for the commitments you have made.

Hebrews 3:12-13
