Power Point

Part 4 Developing good soil mark 4(1-20)


Recap: The first three types of soils

1. The hard-packed path represents the times when we have a hard heart.


2. The shallow earth over rock represents the times when we have a shallow heart.


3. The soil with thorns represents the times when there is a softness and depth but we have distracted hearts.


Interesting Point: The first three types of soil don’t ever produce lasting fruit.


I. As Christian’s our goal is to bear fruit for Christ!

John 15:8

Colossians 1:10


1. When we bear fruit we glorify God.


2. When we bear fruit God utilizes us for good works.

Ephesians 2:10


3. When we bear fruit we show our dedication for God.


4. When we bear fruit we grow in wisdom.


II. Inspection Time:

Psalm 139:23-24

Matthew 12:33


1. We must examine our hearts.


2. We must remove the bad stuff out of our heart.


3. We have to remember Satan is always on the attack.

1 Peter 5:8


III. Reaping Time

1. External Fruit:

A. Evangelism

B. Compassion for others

C. Encouraging others

D. Praising God

E. Giving

2. Internal Fruit:

Galatians 5:22-23

A. Love

B. Joy

C. Peace

D. Patience

E. Kindness

F. Goodness

G. Faithfulness

H. Gentleness

I. Self-Control


IV. Application Time:

1. Make your goal to bear fruit!


2. Continually examine and tend to the soil of your heart!


3. Bear Fruit.


4. Don’t give up when it gets hard.


Final Thought: Your goal is to make progress every day of your life.