Focusing The Distracted Heart

Mark 4:7, 18-19


I. The way of the Distracted Heart

1. The distracted heart often has a real love for God and his Word.


2. The distracted heart can see real growth.


3. The distracted heart gets influenced away from what God is doing by the big three distractions.

Distraction #1: The worries of life.

v  Worry is the belief that something bad will happen.

v  Worries:

  • Doubts
  • Fears
  • Family Problems
  • Health Problems
  • Work Problems
  • Financial Problems


Distraction #2: The lies of money.

v  happiness

v  security.

1 Tim 6:10


Distraction #3: A longing for things other than God.

Titus 2:12


II. The setbacks of the Distracted Heart.

1. The distracted heart is a jumbled heart.


2. The distracted heart loses focus.


3. The distracted heart is unhappy.


III. The Solution for the Distracted Heart

1. Trade your worries for faith.

Luke 12:22-24, 29-30


2. Develop a right view about money.

1 Timothy 6:17-19, Matt 6:24


3. Develop a craving for God first.

A. Crave means to yearn for.

B. When I crave God it means I cannot live without God.

Colossians 3:1-4


The Bottom Line: Develop a heart that longs for God above everything and trust him for all things.


*Will you give yourself completely to God!!!!