Graduation 2020

Joshua 24:14-15

May 31, 2020

Bulletin & Meet The Graduates


  1. Choose to serve the Lord.

Matthew 6:24


We have to choose to have a real relationship with the Lord.

  1. It starts with a relationship with Jesus.


  1. We have to spend time with God.
  2. By studying the Word of GOD.
  3. Prayer

Exodus 33:11


  1. Set Goals and focus on them.



  1. Trust the Lord, He has a plan for you.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Jeremiah 29:11


  1. Live a life of truth and integrity.

The word truth means trustworthiness.
The word Sincerity means integrity, without blemish, undefiled and upright.

  1. Finish What You Start, Persevere to the End.
  2. People will try to discourage you.

Numbers 13:31-32


  1. Never give up and never quit.

Numbers 14:6-8

2 Corinthians 4:8-9