Power Point Of The Three Seekers
- 7 Lessons from the Wise Men that we can apply to our daily lives:
- First, The wise men met God in the midst of their work.
- Secondly, They found their way by consulting Scripture.
- Thirdly, They gave themselves in worship first.
- Fourthly, They gave the gifts they had.
- Fifthly, If the Wise Men can find Jesus, so can you.
- Sixthly, If God can use a star to reach the wise men, he can use anything to reach you.
Jeremiah 29:13
- Seventhly, They were willing to take action.
- There were 3 Responses to the Christmas story.
- The Wise Men were eager to seek Jesus.
- King Herod was hostile to Jesus.
- The Religious Leaders were apathetic.
Are you eager to seek Jesus, Hostile to Jesus or Apathetic and don’t care?
Where are you?
How will you respond to Jesus?