Christmas Series: God The First Missionary

 Week #1 Joy to the World

Isaiah 9:1-7

November 10, 2019

Morning Worship

Power Point


  1. God’s light overcomes the darkness. (vs. 1-2)

What does the light of Jesus overcome in the darkness:

  1. World turmoil.
  2. National unrest.
  3. Personal sin.


  1. Happiness overwhelms sorrow. (vs. 3-5)

The real happiness of Christ brings:

  1. Joy.
  2. Rejoicing.
  3. Relief.
  4. Rest.
  5. Peace.


  1. Victory overthrows defeat. (vs. 1-7)

The victory of Jesus leads to:

  1. Victory Lifts burdens.
  2. Victory Removes Oppression.
  3. Victory Defeats the oppressor.